
A Guide To Visiting Noah’s Ark, Turkey


Hi everyone! We continue our blog series with the one which is frequently asked about: Noah’s Ark and Mount Ararat! In this content, we will explain all the details and travel tips that may guide you for your potential Turkey Tour!

Estimated location of Noah’s Ark in Eastern Turkey, Agri Province. Noah’s Ark National Park. Searches for the bible relic. Outlines of the Ark in the ground


In Christianity:

The Lord saw that the earthly order was broken, how evil people had become, and began to rebel against the gods; every thought was only evil all the time. So God said, “I will destroy from the earth the people I have created. And with them, the animals, birds, and creeping things” (Genesis 6:5–7).

Noah was the only person on earth who obeyed the gods, did not rebel, and did not criticize them. Noah had three sons named: Shem, Ham, and Japheth. And God said to him, “I will establish My covenant with you; you will go into the ark with your wife, your sons, and their wives” (Genesis 6:8–10, 18).

God kept saying to Noah, “I am going to destroy all flesh because the world is full of violence. Build an ark of gopherwood, with rooms inside, three decks, and a door. Cover it inside and out with pitch.” And Noah did exactly as God commanded him (Genesis 6:13–22).

God also added to Noah, “Take with you seven pairs of all clean animals, the male and his mate, and a pair of the animals that are not clean, the male and his mate, and seven pairs of the birds of the heavens also, male and female, to keep their offspring alive on the face of all the earth” (Genesis 7:2–3, ESV).

So Noah and his family took their places in the Ark because of the coming Flood. And every land animal after its kind went with them, two by two, male and female, just as God had commanded. And the Lord shut the door (Genesis 7:7–16).

Then the Flood began. The fountains of the deep layers and the windows of heaven were opened. Rain poured for forty days and forty nights. The waters rose until every high hill on the earth was covered. Everything that lived on land damaged in the raging floodwaters (Genesis 7:17–24).

The waters flowed the earth for 150 days. And, God remembered Noah’s Ark. The waters silted back and the Ark came to rest on the Mountains of Ararat (Genesis 8:1–5).

After sending out a raven, Noah sent out a dove to see if there was dry ground around them. However, it came back having found nowhere to perch. After 7 days, Noah sent it back out and it came back with a fresh olive leaf in its mouth. And Noah understood the ground was drying (Genesis 8:6–12).

Then God said to Noah, “Come out of the ark. And bring the animals with you so they can be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.” So Noah and his family came out with all the animals to start a new life (Genesis 8:13–19).

Then Noah built an altar(sacrificing place) and sacrificed to the Lord on it. And God said, “Never again will I curse the ground because of man or send a flood to destroy all living things, even though mankind’s heart is evil from childhood.” And God blessed Noah and his family saying, “Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth” (Genesis 8:20–22).

In Islam:

During the time of the Prophet Noahthe order in the earth was disturbed, humanity turned into wrong ways, the world was filled with evil and started to rebel against God. In return, God decided to punish humanity. Subsequently, he divinely told Prophet Noah to build an Ark. He ordered the ark to be three hundred feet tall, fifty feet wide, and thirty feet high.

Because other people were unaware of what was going to happen to them, they made fun of Noah during the construction of Ark. After the construction of the Ark is finished, the Prophet Noah took all living things on earth into his Ark in the form of a female and a male in line with the divine order that came to him.

One of his sons did not believe in the impending disaster and did not get on the ship with them, saying “If there is a flood, I will take shelter in a mountain“. Just then the flood began and it rained for forty days and forty nights. This flood, unlike any other; covered the whole earth and all mountains around the earth.

Except for those on the ship, all livings on earth punished under God’s wrath. Noah’s Ark sailed in the waters that covered the whole world for a hundred and fifty days. After God ended the flood, Noah’s Ark sat on the Judi Hill of Mount Ararat. Then Prophet Noah opened the window of ark and released a dove to see if the flood is ended or not.

The dove returned with not finding a place to sit. Seven days later, Noah released the dove again. And, the dove returned to the ship with an olive leave in its mouth. Noah understood that the waters silted and the flood was over. Subsequently, Prophet Noah left the Ark and released the animals to nature.

He founded a village at the foot of Mount Ararat and started to rebuild civilizationNoah’s Flood was the subject of many religions and civilizations, from Sumerians to Christians and Islam. But today, neither its location nor its remains have been found today.


Ararat Mountain is an inactive volcanic mountain, consisting of two ancient volcanic peaks, located in eastern Turkey, in the province of Agri. Mount Ararat is also located next to borders of present-day Turkey to Iran, Azerbaijan, and Armenia.

It has a height of 5,137 m (16,854 ft). And, Little Ararat has a height of 3,925 m (12,877 ft). Mt. Ararat is the highest and Little Ararat is the sixth-highest point in Turkey. Mt. Ararat is where, according to some legends, Noah’s Ark landed after the flood (took place in different religions, civilizations, and sources).


 Where is Mount Ararat located?

Mount Ararat is located in Eastern Turkey, in the province of Agri. It is next to the border of Turkey to Iran, Azerbaijan, and Armenia.

 Where is Noah’s Ark located?

Until 2020, no work or scientific study has been held to prove 100% that Noah’s Ark was on Mount Ararat or elsewhere. In the Holy Books, it is indicated that after sailing in the waters for days during the Noah’s Flood, the Ark finally came and stop at the summit of Mount Ararat. Based on this, it is believed that Noah’s Ark is on Mount Ararat.

 How tall is Mount Ararat?

Mount Ararat has a height of 5,137 m (16,854 ft). And, Little Ararat has a height of 3,925 m (12,877 ft).

 Is Mount Ararat open for climbing?

Yes, Mount Ararat is open for climbing. Climbers mostly prefer the southern sunny face of Mount Ararat, from a town called Doğubeyazıt. This town is the closest and the most preferred point to start climbing to Ararat Mountain. It is the highest mountain in Turkey.

On this hand, climbing without locals or guides might be dangerous. The demands over time have enabled the development of tourism here. Therefore, it is quite easy to find highly competent guides, 5-4-day Ararat Mountain climbing tours.

 What is the hottest month on Mount Ararat?

June, July, August, and September are the hottest months on Mount Ararat. It is around 28 to 32 degrees. January, February, and December are the coldest months on Mount Ararat. It is around -6 to -3 degrees.

What is the average yearly precipitation on Mount Ararat?

March, April, May, and June are the months in which Mount Ararat gets the most precipitation. The average is 7.7 days in a month. August, September, and October are the months in which Mount Ararat gets less precipitation. The average is 2 Days in a Month.

 Is Noah’s Ark on Mount Ararat?

Noah’s Flood and Noah’s Ark have been the subject of many civilizations and religions for thousands of years. This subject is mentioned in the scriptures. Because it is such an important issue, it is still remarkable today.

Until today, no residue or scientific study has been found to prove 100% that Noah’s Ark was on Mount Ararat or elsewhere. It is said in the holy books that after sailing in the rising waters for days during the Flood, Noah’s Ark finally came and stop at Mount Ararat. Based on this, it is believed that Noah’s Ark is on Mount Ararat.

 How did Mount Ararat get its name?

The name Ararat, as it appears in the Bible, is the Hebrew equivalent of Urartu, the Assyro-Babylonian name of a kingdom that flourished between the Aras and the Upper Tigris rivers from the 9th to the 7th century BCE. So, it is believed that Mount Ararat gets its name from the Urartu civilization.

 What is the significance of Mount Ararat?

The significance of Mount Ararat in the Bible is being the rest place of Noah’s Ark after the Flood.

 How big was Noah’s Ark?

It is possible to see different informations in different sources. In Islam, it is believed that the Ark was three hundred feet tall, fifty feet wide, and thirty feet high.

 How long did it take to build Noah’s Ark?

And the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.” (Genesis 6:3).

According to the Answers in Genesis, Noah’s Ark took about 55 to 75 years to be built. And, Noah was about 500 years old when he started building his Ark in the line of the Lord’s order.

 How many people were on Noah’s Ark?

According to the Answers in Genesis, Lord commanded Noah to get into the Ark with his wife, sons, and their wives.

I will establish My covenant with you; you will go into the ark with your wife, your sons, and their wives”.

 How many animals were on Noah’s Ark?

Although some sources say that 70 thousand animals were in the Ark, there is no certain number which is 100% true. The Answers in Genesis is as below;

Take with you seven pairs of all clean animals, the male and his mate, and a pair of the animals that are not clean, the male and his mate, and seven pairs of the birds of the heavens also, male and female, to keep their offspring alive on the face of all the earth” (Genesis 7:2–3, ESV).

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